Sunday 28 December 2014

Dec 28

I bet you've had those days that you rather sleep all day than be awake and feel bad. Let's be honest. That's not due sadness.
Those moments when you feel your heart in your stomach and you're desperately trying to find a way to go back in time and do something in a different way or simply don't do it. Or moments that you desire to disappear or you just hate yourself. It's called guilt. And it is not on self basis. The reason is someone else, more specifically someone who had trust in you, someone you disappointed.
This is the moment you become worthless in your own eyes to the rest of the world. The reason, the betrayal. Your betrayal to that person and to yourself.
The problem out of this is that there is no actual turning back, which means you're becoming also hopeless. And the question is whether you should do something about it or you should just put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Take a moment to appreciate what you have or what you're starting to gain before you ruin or lose it.

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